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Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Department of Oil and Gas Field Geology and Prospecting

Estimation of petroleum reserves / resources

User Manual         Volumetric method     Pressure reduction method (for free gas reserves only)

Oil reserves / resources     Gas reserves / resources     Reserves of oil and dissolved gas
Oil(gas)bearing / trap area

Field / area:
Deposit / horizon / layer:
Class of reserves / resources : A   B   A+B   A+B+C1   A+B+C1+C2   B+C1   B+C1+C2
C1   C2   C1+C2   C1(drainage zone)+С2   C3
 Area value is known
Geometry of WOC / GOC:
Scale 1: Xmin, mm:
Number of points: Xmax, mm:
Ordinates of points (bypass WOC / GOC clockwise), mm:

Calculation parameters:
Effective oil saturated thickness, m:     Coefficient of porosity:
Oil saturation factor:     Volume coefficient:
Density of oil, kg/m3:     Oil extractive coefficient: